Stormwater PSA's

Neighbors for Clean Water, in cooperation with The County Channel and the Beaufort County Stormwater Utility, has produced several Public Service Announcements (PSA's) for television about stormwater pollution. In addition to viewing them here, these PSA's can currently be seen on the County Channel, Comcast Channel 2, Hargray Channel 9 &113, and Time Warner Channel 63. We'd also like to thank our unpaid actors/volunteers, the Breitenstein Family and Tallulah Trice & Midge with the Beaufort County Animal Shelter! 

Stormwater Pollution - Your Watershed Begins Here

Stormwater Pollution - Pet Waste

Stormwater Pollution - Lawn Care/Fertilizer Use

Stormwater Pollution - Litter 
Thank you Palmetto Pride for assisting us with the development of this PSA!


Eagle Scout candidate, Jacob Denton, Troop 1712, partnered with the City of Beaufort, the Beaufort County Stormwater Utility, and Neighbors for Clean Water to mark storm drains in historic downtown Beaufort. Jacob and his troop hope to make citizens and visitors aware that stormwater, which can carry pollutants, flows directly into our waterways via roadway storm drains. 

Beaufort Soil & Water Conservation District Volunteer & Associate Commissioner, Carol Murphy, worked closely with Denton and Boy Scout Troop 1712 to teach about them about stormwater and the importance of protecting our waterways. 

Contact Neighbors for Clean Water if your volunteer group is interested in marking storm drains in your community.

Thank you to all of the partners involved!
Boy Scout Troop 1712
City of Beaufort
Beaufort County Stormwater Utility
Beaufort County GIS
Beaufort County Channel
Neighbors for Clean Water
Beaufort Conservation District


Neighbors for Clean Water Pond Conference Video Piece:

Check out this great video created by the County Channel documenting the First Annual Neighbors for Clean Water Pond Conference. The Pond Conference took place on October 22, 2015 and was held at USC Beaufort. Thanks again to all of our partners, staff, attendees, and of course the County Channel!