Take the Pledge!

What's the connection between one of the leading causes of May River fecal coliform pollution and one of the solutions? Both of them depend on the answer to one question: To scoop, or not to scoop...

The answer? Scoop! The bacteria-carrying pet waste that is left in Bluffton's yards, parks, streets and waterfronts ends up running into the May River whenever there is a storm. It's high levels of this bacteria that created conditions that make harvesting oysters from portions of the May River unsafe, and resulted in the recent downgrade of these oyster harvesting grounds from "conditional" to "restricted," meaning that while harvesting oysters has been dependent on weather conditions, now there are no conditions where harvesting oysters is allowed.

Bluffton wants YOU to take the pledge - the pledge to scoop the poop on public and private property, that is. We challenge and invite you to join your neighbors in this effort to clean up the May River. We ask that you take the pledge to clean your yard at least once a week. Fill out the web form to take the pledge!

It's Easy to Make a Difference:
  • Do your part! Take the pledge to scoop your dog's poop and help protect the May River.
  • Fill out the web form below to make it official.
  • Tell your friends on Facebook, Twitter, and email. Share the challenge!

Scoop the Poop Pledge Form
* required






