Monday, August 15, 2011

And We're On a Roll!

Thanks to you, the Neighbors for Clean Water initiative is off to a great start! In just a few weeks, we've already collected many pledges from local pet owners to pick up after their beloved pets in public areas and clean their yards of pet waste at least once per week.

As you know, dog waste is a major source of water pollution in the May River, and bacteria from dog waste carried by rainwater is one of the main reasons the oyster beds are shut down.

Everyone who signs the pledge is setting an example and sending a message to other pet owners who may not take the same responsibility for pet waste. Not only is taking the pledge the right thing to do, it's what May River residents want. According to our recent area survey:

• 77 percent agree that “responsible neighbors pick up after their pet in public areas”
• 71 percent agree that “responsible neighbors pick up after their pet on private property”
• 57 percent agree that, “I am aware of which neighbors leave pet waste in public areas”
• 62 percent agree that “I am aware of which neighbors leave pet waste in their yards.”
    People respond to their friends -- it's not too late for your friends and family to take the pledge. The more people who take it, the stronger a message we can send to others in the community that their neighbors expect this responsible behavior.

    What you do makes a difference! Pet waste is a major source of pollution in the May River. Every step you take to clean it up helps clean up the water.