Department of Commerce, Grants Division, and its partner agencies are in the
process of preparing the State Consolidated Plan for Housing and Community
Development for the upcoming 5 years, 2016-2020. The US Department of Housing
and Urban Development (HUD) requires this Plan in order for the State to
receive funding for the State Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), HOME
Investment Partnerships, Emergency Solutions (ESG), and Housing Opportunities
for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) programs. The Plan will describe the State’s
housing and community development needs, strategies, and priorities.
Plan affects many communities and organizations across the State, and input
from state and regional agencies, organizations, and local governments is vital
to identifying needs and allocating resources. For this reason, we are asking
individuals such as yourself to complete a brief online survey regarding
community development and homeless needs. This will be used in planning for
related aspects of the larger Consolidated Plan. Please note that you may also
receive housing-related surveys from the State Housing Authority as they do
their own needs assessment for the housing sections of the Plan.
participate in the survey, just click on the link below.
Please forward the link and to others in your community or organization. (For example, to public
works and planning departments, utility providers, economic development
agencies and staff.) This will help us gather as much input as possible.
you have any questions, concerns, or comments about the survey, please contact
Ms. Liese Ross, Program Planning Manager at 803/737-1988 or